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Sunday, January 18, 2015


Luke's rodeo artwork was recognized for the art exhibition. We are so proud. 

I can't remember why she wanted me to take her picture after we got her dressed for school, but she's adorable!

Our new addition, Remi, is growing like a weed!! She has doubled her weight already!! (These are old photos. She's even bigger now. Wish she could skip the chewing-to-shreds-everything-in-her-path phase. Ugh.)

Look what my girl shot!! She's so awesome! I can't believe she's so grown up...she wears my shoes now!

Luke got him a big one too!!

Cora and her friend making up their own rules to the game. They had a ball. 

I look pretty scary in this green mask...kinda like the Riddler on Batman! 

He makes me smile. 

Grateful for a girls night out last night...and fudge pecan pie. 

Kari Jobe was amazing. And she's so darn cute!

Mrs. Kay from Duck Dynasty was so sweet. I loved hearing her message about fighting for your marriage and asking Jesus to be the Lord and Savior of your life. She's precious. 

Sure miss this space. I hope to figure out a schedule that allows me to write more. I need the outlet. What is your favorite way to decompress?

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