Well, I'm back with our menu for this week! We have been eating all this time. I just haven't taken the time to post. Without further ado, here it is...
Monday- Meatloaf Muffins (wow, I didn't even mean to use all of that alliteration!) per Carleigh's request. I have to say, they were a big hit with the entire gang! Kelvin raved about them, and Cora gobbled them down like a champ. They will definitely be added to the tried and true list. Click on the title for the recipe from Sarah Carey at Martha Stewart. I've said it before, but she is such a doll...love her and her easy recipes! I accidentally forgot to add the garlic, and I bet it would have made it even better! I left out the onion, because I didn't have time to sauté it first, and I hate crunchy onion in my meatloaf. I eye-balled the seasonings, and know I didn't have enough ground mustard, but it was still good. Don't be afraid to improvise. :) The secret ingredient is goooood! (Just remembered, I didn't have any whole dill pickles, so I used dill relish. It was great! Guess I just gave away the secret.) I also forgot to add the ketchup on the top, but I put it on the table and let everyone add it if they wanted it. Kelvin chose A-1 instead, as did Luke. They thought it was the bees knees...I'll take their word for it.
Tuesday- Tonight we're having Fish Tacos...one of my favorite things in the world. I'll probably try to remember to open a can of black beans to go alongside these delightful things.
Wednesday- Chicken, rice and broccoli casserole I'm using leftover rotisserie chicken for this one. I will probably hop on Pinterest and use one of the handy dandy tutorials for making your own cream of chicken soup. That can stuff kind of gives me the creeps (as Carleigh would say.) Is there anything more comforting than a creamy chicken casserole? Well, beside a snuggly blanket in front of a good fire with a hot cup of coffee? No, not really. ;)
Thursday- Stew in the crock pot YUM!
Friday- YOYO (I forgot to put the first Y on my menu board! haha) Something simple...leftovers, cereal or quesadillas or something.
Saturday- Surf n Turf with some friends. I am so looking forward to this! Let me know if you have an awesome appetizer I should try out.
Sunday- Chicken Enchilada Soup I miss soup! I didn't make near enough of it this winter. I think the weather is supposed to be yucky again over the weekend, so soup will be perfect! This one is a crockpot recipe, so it will be even more perfect since I have to be at church at the crack of dawn for praise team.
So, what's on your table this week? Share a link to your favorite recipe in the comments below. Have a great week! Stay tuned for some exciting before and after photos of our house. I should be painting as I type this. I'm headed there right now! I can't wait for the difference it's going to make. (insert squeal!)