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Monday, October 14, 2013

Days off

Don't you just love random days off? The kids had today off from school. It's 11:30, and we're all still in our pjs. I made breakfast (some yummy egg, bean, and cheese burritos,) and caught up on email.. love it when I clean out my inbox! Cora watched a few episodes of  My Big, Big Friend on Netflix, Luke played tennis, baseball, and bowling on the Wii, and Carleigh made a beautiful skirt for her doll from stuff she found in the craft cabinet. She's so talented!


In a minute (or thirty,) I'm going to get my hiney off the comfy couch, figure out something to feed my kids (or maybe I'll surprise them and take them to Chick fil a,) and head to Target for the essentials. You know...toilet paper, paper towels, soap, shampoo/conditioner, and snacks.

When we get home, I HAVE to fold laundry. There is an enormous pile of towels from the kids' bathroom that I washed the other day, and simply haven't slowed down enough to fold them. I could've done it last night during family movie night, but then I would have missed snuggling with the kids on the couch. I refuse to wash anymore laundry until the mountain is folded and put away. We've been doing really well with the laundry thing lately. I'm not sure where all of these towels came from!?


Have a happy Monday!
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