swim (wish we had a pool)
visit parks
find a botanical garden to visit
go to the movies indoors and outdoors
play at the beach
visit museums
ice skate
sleep late
eat pancakes more
make ice cream and fruit pops
pop fireworks
go fishing
visit our friends' lake houses
continue my fitness quest (40 is only 181 days, 21 hours, 4 minutes away)
complete Tracy Anderson's Metamorphosis
play in the water sprinkler
go to acting camp and girls camp and music camp and dance camp and sign language camp...whew!
go to the local water park
have a fish fry
make s'mores around the fire pit
camp out in the backyard or living room ('cause it's pretty dang hot here already)
make ice cream sandwiches
have a yard sale
set up a lemonade stand
go to a baseball game
turn up the music and dance, dance, dance!
go crabbin'
clean out the flowerbeds
have a shrimp boil
clean out the office and make it Cora's bedroom
go to vacation bible school
frame the kids' masterpieces from the past year and hang them in the house
download the star app and identify the constellations
make the porch pretty
paint Carleigh's room
declutter the house
finger paint outside
make a new drink or two
plant something pretty
paint the living room and kitchen
play Dunnam's Got Talent or So You Think You Can Dance (family style)
light candles
find a new favorite wine
cook for friends and family
give Luke's room a makeover
clean out cabinets and drawers and closets, OH MY!
overhaul the kids' bathroom
play Pictionary or Apples to Apples or Uno or Scrabble or all of them
clean out and organize the freezers and refrigerator
cook in the crock pot
bake a homemade coconut and chocolate pie completely from scratch
have family movie night with homemade popcorn and blankets and snuggles on the couch
So, what are some of your summer plans?
"Earth laughs in flowers." Ralph Waldo Emerson