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Wednesday, August 17, 2011


As I clicked through the devotional page this morning, Overwhelmed is what caught my eye. I can relate...I thought. This little paragraph kinda slapped me in the face...

We all know how God turned the pain of Jesus’ journey into joy for each of us. And it all started with an action… not just of Jesus saying yes, but of Jesus giving thanks.

And so, as I lay in the quiet with my own pain, feeling the natural inclination to be overwhelmed, I take action as He did. I give thanks for the gifts that come from pain. I give thanks for the people and the moments and the experiences. I give thanks to a Savior who was willing to go through the pain so that the hard I live through could also be redeemed. By Sara Frankl, Gitzen Girl
Read the rest here.

I hope you have a good day. I hope I can slow down and be thankful, even in the midst of pain and feeling overwhelmed.
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